Thursday 21 January 2016


This weeks word was unicorn. I did a few thumb nails for this word and I decided to develop a couple of them this week. The first one I did relatively quickly as the idea was just based around a bad pun; prunicorn

When the lines scanned in some of them didn't quite get picked up and it left this worn looking texture down the thick outlines. In Photoshop I went through and using Kyles Pastel Palooza brushes I erased parts of the rest of the outline so that the whole thing looked worn. I think, now, that I should have also roughened up the colour because there is a weird contrast here between the rough outline and the block colour. I did crazy big eyes and tried to make it look quite cute, I was just attempting to pander to the audience of the illustration friday people in the hopes they would pick my image and post it on their Facebook page.

My second design was just a simple line drawing piece with no digital work done to it since I decided to submit the prunicorn piece. I decided to have a different take on a unicorn and instead showed it as an infection in a horse. The inspiration for the x-ray like view came form Michael DeForge, one of my all time favourite illustrators.

I went heavy on my use of black because I think the contrast between the pitch black and the lighter ares really showcases the deep texture work better. Also when I do big texture pieces it can take a while for a fresh viewer see what it is because theres so many areas of textures and only separated by fine lines. I think the block black makes the textures able to be appreciated individually and makes it clearer what the image is.

My last idea was something I only did a quick sketch of but it made me laugh. Its like an advert for the unicorn dating. This is his signature image where he looks as sexy as he possibly can.

The smoke was going to fade into the mane of the one above because then it looks all flowing and smooth. I was going to colour it in pale blue for the faces and deep burgundy and purple for the smoke/mane.

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