Monday 25 January 2016

Pen on Paper

This is my cake for clearest blue. I think the perspective needs more work though because this cake could not exist in any dimension. Probably should have used reference.

This is one for worry, I kind of liked the idea in thumbnail but I don't think it is as successful inked up.

This one worked well I think. This seems most likely to be the one I will make into a final for 'Worry'. I think the hand needs to look a bit more realistic proportionally. But I like the high texture but then quite sparsely textured face. Creates a nice contrast. For the final I think I will put heavier detail on the mattress and then more on the pillows to boost the contrast between face and fabric.

This was just an idea compositionally to do something that would utilise my texture and high detail work. I'm thinking using a tall rectangle in the centre to have an image in and then fill the sides with dense pattern.

Some ideas for what could go in the middle of the densely patterned section. I'm basing these on 'Dream 3' the only song without lyrics. The song seems to have a slight sad tone but also quite whimsical, fitting with the title. I've been looking at doing some whimsical scenes but with subdued emotions on any characters faces.  I most like the figure floating through sections of water and the man holding the moon lit up by insects. The water one seems to convey that sense of subdued whimsy and the lit up one utilises the colour as light play I did in my cop work. 

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