Thursday 21 January 2016


For this week the word was 'Punch'. People seemed to be going with a lot of variations on word definition; punch as in to hit, punch as in the drink and Punch as in Punch and Judy. I chose to take the punching and drink versions and combine them. And so I drew a bowl of punch with little clenched fists floating in it.

Again I did a piece that was high in line as texture, I think I've come to accept that aspect as a heavy part of my practice. I think it is something that makes my work recognisable as mine. I wasn't really too happy with the shape of the bowl here though, it is wonky and not realistic in shape. I should have redone it but once I'd filled it in texture, it had taken so long it would be time inefficient to start again. I have to prioritise my work and I decided that this brief was mainly about keeping a constant flow of work happening, it doesn't need to really focus in on the final image. I think this project has been more useful for quick thumb-nailing and concept work. 
For the colours I used a lot of pink and purple because in my mind thats the colours of punch. Whenever it is displayed in popular cartoons in their inevitable 'prom' episode it is usually some hue of purple. I made the hands and spoon yellow/orange hues so that they contrasted highly from the punch. I gave contrasting colours to represent the parts under water, I tried just overlaying the punch colour at a lower opacity but it just created a dirty brownish purple colour and did not look aesthetically pleasing. Instead I chose a bright pink because it seems as though it could create that colour and also the contrast makes it clear that the hands are floating partly submerged. 

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