Monday 25 January 2016

The sacrifice of a lesser brief

I am deciding to drop this brief because I haven't started it yet and I feel that it is quite similar to my Illustration Friday brief. The illustration friday brief is all about responding to a word, and the editorial is similar in that it's responding to the story. But the story can be boiled down to a word and that makes most like the other brief. Although I am not completely abandoning my editorial, I am going to replace this brief with another one that I have made up. It will consist of a mix of competition and self lead briefs. I'm going to call it Deadline Driven and in it I will take on competitions or small briefs and then set myself a short deadline to either complete it or complete as much as I can. I'm doing this so that I can judge how long it takes me to do things and how realistic I need to be when I set myself deadlines in bigger projects.

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