Tuesday 17 May 2016


I coloured in 'Blue'. I made the walrus smaller and cuter because it was a n awkward shape to fit into a square. I felt like squashing it out of shape meant that i had to do the face more stylised because it has taken a further step away from reality.
At first i was trying to use all the same font size because all the other poems use size 14. But then i realised that my other boxed poem 'tablets' is made with slightly different sizes because i rasterised the type and adjusted it to fit in the speech bubbles.
I like the effect of the mixed text sizes, it makes the whole thing look more chaotic.

Also there is the headless character because i want him to be in a couple. As he is going to be one of my little cardboard cut outs stood around my book encouraging touching.
This is the only poem that has an underlined title but i think this works because the other box poem has a drawn title. These poems are just shown as more chaotic. I think it is because the writing itself is more of a stream of consciousness than structured verses.

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