Friday 13 May 2016


At my tutorial concerning end of year show Fred was asking me specifics about my book and i realised i don't even know how long it is. Like i know all the elements that go into the book but i hadn't sat down and done a definitive plan.

Contents of the book are:
7 poem pages (one double spread)
8 quote pages
2 pages for front and back
4 for inlay pattern
1 for contact numbers (suicide hotline etc)
3 NHS sourced pages

this is 26 pages which is not fitting with the rule of four. So i added a double spread at the back for my final inspirational poem. I think it is a good way to end the book , because then it ends on a high note. Even though it deals with a sad and depressing topic, it creates a sense of community where the bottom line is: 'its not the end of the world'

Also i came up with my promotional line! it came out of doing my postcard for the show which inspired my whole show design on how to present my book in the most interesting and true to my practice way.
The postcard is a ripped part face because i was told to try and make a design that is 'bold' so i just went all out. But it then inspired me to have a vertical version with a head ripped into separate parts and then the bottom face spewing  blue out onto a table where the book will sit.

So my line for the promotion is:

Get out of your head,
Get into a book.
I think this is appropriate because one of the reasons for the book is to put to rest all the fears of people with depression. The fears of being alone, different, feeling broken. This book is blowing away the taboo by sharing all the fears and feelings. As the introductory poem says: 'it just nice to know that someone out there shares your suffering'.
So I'm having the introductory poem on the first set of pattern inlay. It will be accompanied by a short piece of text explaining the book,; what and why?
Then the 'nhs says' page. This one is just the section of the nhs' depression page that discusses when to go see the doctor. Then the overleaf page is the emergency contact numbers. I felt this should go at the front because this book isn't just for people diagnosed with depression. It is for everyone and to break apart taboo. Show it as a normal thing. People may read it, thinking that they may have depression or being unsure. It just seems the best way to start the book.
Most of the poems are in the front part of the book here, i think for the show i am going to make a couple additional poems and have less quotes possibly? unless i make 4 so pagination works. But i'd just like for the show for there to be a better ratio between wordy pages and drawing pages.

I have put the second 'nhs says' page two spreads before the end because this one is sourced from the treatment section of the page. it discusses the two main options; anti depressants and therapy. Then following this i put two last quotes because these two were particularly uplifting quotes that sound like they come from a post treatment perspective. This is then followed by the final inspirational poem. So the whole end part of the book works on bringing the mood back up. It works like a bell curve of emotion.

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