Wednesday 11 May 2016

The official plan

This has been sitting in my drawer a while, I took some time earlier in the year to plan out the Macmillan story. It still doesn't have a title but I'll work on that, because I think it will be important when it comes to making the presentation boards. A project needs a name, especially if it is a children's book.

This is a very rough plan but the basic bones are as follows:
1. Opens on the scene, valley in back ground, litter in foreground.
2. A person dropping cigarette ash on on a tiny house - magnified on the other half showing sprig and co
3. Sprig looks through his binoculars and spies a bird sitting  on a floating bottle
4. Soil collects bottles, the sprouts play. They try and fail to stay afloat on one bottle each.
5. Soil puts a board on top so it's flat on top. Proceeds to fall off in comical see saw fashion. A mouse is laughing.
6. The mouse shows it to work like a table; needing a bottle on each side for stability. On the right the family all stand, pleased with themselves, on the raft. They now need to make it more homely
7. Root has a help wanted sign and animals come to help. The bees drill holes in plastic, The spiders threads silk through the holes to sew the sides together, snail glue is cement in the walls, Birds bring seeds and the worms prepare the compost
8. Bird puts a marble in the top of roof to create light using sunlight through the glass.
9. They wave goodbye as they float out. One of the sprouts is on th roof, holding onto the marble for stability. A magpi comes and grabs the sprout.
10. The sprout cries as it is carried away by the bird. The rest of the family try to console the other sprouts and tuck them into bed.
11. The next day sprig is out on the deck with sprouts. Bird swoops down, sprig jups to protect sprout but the sprout is unharmed. He looks up to see the magpi pecking at the marble in the roof and realises the magpi's mistake.
12. At the top a memory of seeing soil accidently steal the marble from a nest. Underneath and over the page Sprig climbs up to the roof and holds out the marble for the magpi, the magpi returns the sprout.
13. They are happy. They have escaped the littering and made friends, they sail off into the sunset. (Far right shows a sewage pipe pumping rubbish into the water. ) But for how long?

At this point i think the pages that would be best to draw out would be:

The cover - Because that will work well for making mock ups on the presentation boards.

The person dropping cigarette ash on their home - Also because it is their  introduction page (well visual introduction)

The animals helping - Because it will give a good breadth of character work in one page.
Or the animals waving goodbye because it has the same character work but also the right side of page has the sprout being stolen and i think it is important to show this plot point.

The last page - shows that i want my message to be quite clear. But there is a fun story in between and that is what the boards will show.

I think since i am just making this proposed I will redraw the roughs; still quick and simple but this time i will edit it in photoshop and put it in boxes to make it uniform. Simple black line drawing, no texture. And then sentences underneath explaining what is going to be happening (like above).

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