Tuesday 10 May 2016

The record box Final

Finally got round to photographing the finished product.
There are clear weaknesses in this product, number one being the stock i used being too flimsy for a box. I should have budgeted to use a thick gloss paper. This is the first one of theses projects where the deadline was not enough time for me to complete. Although I think that is just down to the printing issues, if i had preplanned and budgeted i could have printed onto the gloss right away. So the biggest flaw in this was not planning ahead and estimating what it would cost to make. I think this was a valuable lesson that with a product one of the most important elements is the final production, the stock it uses etc. I also didn't have enough time to do my packaging which again is a key element of a product. This brief showed me that products are something i need to do more work in and i need to push things to a finalised stage where they wouldn't be embarrassing to sell in a shop.

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