Wednesday 11 May 2016

Finished Product

This is the front of it. I put the Soar with the bag in the wind at the front because i think it's colours most compliment the sleeve colour. The final sleeve is just folded over and not stuck down because i feel like messy glue massively devalues my work. Whereas this way it just kind of balances in it's little slot. It seems like it is meant to be that way. And since i will be putting them in a cellophane seal bag, it doesn't matter that the card doesn't secure them together strongly because the bag does that job.

The four images are connected by the theme of smoke and clouds. I printed them on a thick card stock because since they are small and there are only four prints, i want them to feel sturdy. I think it shows a level of professionality when the postcard is made of a thick, trustworthy stock. It also extends its shelf life, if that's the right term, like it will be longer till it wears and it is less easy to damage than thinner stock.

I put the wood texture on the back to keep them uniform and representative of my practice. On the back of the sleeve I put my face, my email, and social media/site. I did this so that my product advertises my whole practice and it is brand consistent.

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