Thursday 19 May 2016

Statement of intent


I want to develop my narrative skills and gain a more prominent presence because it will make my practice more professional. This will give me a stronger body of work to put into my portfolio and as a result will prepare me for life post degree.

Themes / Subjects

Narrative, Sequential, Poetry, Children’s Illustration, Editorial, Humour, Responsive

Products / Methods of Distribution

Selling, Social media, Blogging, Books, Prints, Product Range, Zines

Practical Skills / Media / Formats
Photoshop, Book Binding, Badge Making, Stickers, Responsive drawing, Narrative building, Poetry writing, Painting, Selling, Talking to people, Pricing Work.

Brief 2: The island
To create an original story and plan it out. Aimed at 7-9 year olds, and deals with the effects of littering on the surrounding nature. 3 double spreads and a cover to final resolution and a full visual plan. Then create presentation boards as though pitching book to a publisher

Rationale:I want to create a children’s book because it will teach me to create a complete narrative this will show I can work with a specific audience in mind as a result I have a variety of work in my portfolio.

Brief 3:Illustration friday: Do Illustration Friday’s each week until just before the end of the module then compile them into a zine.

Rationale:I want to draw for illustration Friday on a weekly basis because it will keep me drawing regularly this will give me a weekly image to upload to social medias and as a result I will get a more prominent presence online.

Brief 4: Freeman Anthology
To illustrate the poems Rebecca Freeman writes for her up and coming poetry anthology. I will design all the illustrations as well as the cover and dictate the visual layout of the book

Post deadline
Rationale:I want to work with an author and publisher. I want to get some of my work published and I want to try illustrating other people’s concepts as i work mainly on my own original stories and ideas.

Brief 5: Being Blue
To create a 28 page poetry book around the theme of depression and mental health. The book is to be interspersed with informational text sourced from the NHS website and appropriate quotes from celebrities. The aim of the book is to give a sense of community to a diagnosed patient, new or old. The book is to offer empathetic views from an informed standpoint in the form of illustrated poetry.
Rationale:I want to fill a hole in the market that i have recognised because it is a subject close to my heart.This will create a well rounded and informed book and as a result I will have a substantial and successful product to put in my portfolio.

Additional Project Proposals

Deadline driven
To set myself mini briefs with short time scales so that i can explore the effect of time constraints on my work. And so i can see the amount of work possible in short time, this will give me a selection of smaller briefs to include in my portfolio.

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