Tuesday 17 May 2016

NHS Pages

 This is the logo i came up with for the NHS says pages. I wanted it to be a doctor because it links with the NHS and gives a sense of trustworthiness. I made it ridiculously wide eyed and smiling so that it was unobtrusive and cute.

This is the one for at the beginning. I put 'When to see the doctor' at the start because i feel like it is the important NHS stuff to start with. Also this is on the front page of their clinical depression section. I then added the numbers because they are always put into the back but i think it belongs next to the when to call the doctor section. Because if the doctors are closed or (most likely) your appointment isn't for weeks, there are still numbers for you to call and people to talk to on a more immediate basis.

I put this page in at the back because it feels like, after discussing whether you have depression and then indulging in all the emotions and quotes, it seems right to have some information on what might happen if you do go to the doctors. I wanted to put therapy on the left but the title didn't fit in. I wanted this because therapy is the NHS's first method of treatment and Anti-depressants are more for moderate to severe depression. Although sometimes a combination is used.

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