Saturday 7 May 2016

How to solve a problem like Macmillan

So i have now had my tutorial with Fred and I have figured out what needs to be done with this brief. I kind of lost track of this brief and my interest in it peaked way too early because by the time it came to actual production with all the planning and grunt work out of the way, i no longer cared about it. So i ended up missing the macmillan deadline and i have now swapped this out as my main brief for my poetry book because i think it is much more representative of my practice. For the Macmillan deadline i decided i should submit something though because i did a lot of work for it and there it would be mad to pass up a free competition with such a large prize. So i submitted my Mermystery comic that i made for though bubble last year.
So how to resolve the macmillan brief, which is now a weird title for it as it isn't for macmillan any more.
I completed a full plan of the book so that i know what is happening on each page, not all the poetry is written for it but i think that the poetry can be proposed alongside the image work with me just showing a couple of pages to final quality, with the final wording.
So i am going to make presentation boards that are to be of a professional standard that could be proposed to a publisher. The boards will outline the point of my book, the issues it tackles. Then it will introduce the characters and then the story line; the problems they tackle and the friends they meet. It will show some pages to final and then a brief plot line and story plan. Then there will be mocked up images of books in context and possibly a promotional poster depending on time constructs

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