Saturday 7 May 2016

Down with books

So i had a tutorial with Fred and we discussed that making this into a book for the deadline isn't really realistic. It takes up too much time and it doesn't really add anything because i can say pits meant to be a book and people know what that is, they don't need to see it. I'm still going to make the book and bind it for the final show but that can be done once deadline stress is over.
I'll be making presentation boards instead, because i had to make them anyway so now i can just invest more time in it. I could possibly make a cheaper mock up print out just so that there is an object to hold and look at, but it isn't necessary  for the deadline.

I've now picked the quotes i am going to use within the book but i haven't yet sourced the nhs words. But thats something i can do over this weekend.

Heres a little example of how a spread will look when the book is made. The cover is obviously very rough and probably not even the final title. I think that is something i need to do some playing with to find the best solution.

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