Saturday 7 May 2016

Knowing me Knowing you

I'm thinking for the pages with the quotes i am going to have like simple motifs on the pages that represent the person whose quote it is. Like for will wheaton i might have the little star trek symbol because it's a recognisable thing that links to him, for his time being Wesley on star trek.

I think these are the final quotes i will be including, i got a variety of different ones and made sure that each quote was coming from someone who had suffered from depression or are bipolar. So that the quote is coming from an informed point of view because that was part of my brief. I feel like the leaflets  you get given; one o the reasons they don't work well, is because they don't come from an informed point of view. Well they are informed medically, but i'm looking for more personal experience informed points of view. I also like how it is showing it to be more acceptable and normal to suffer from a mental illness. One in four people suffer from mental illness and yet we still talk about it like some abstract subject. It doesn't make it approachable. I want to show it in normal terms, being frank about the fears and emotions involved.

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