Monday 2 May 2016


So at first i was trying to put the walrus one into a square format but that was going horrendously as you can see. So i needed to take a break an do something new.
 I started with tablets. I decided that i wanted it to be like one of the boxes poems but with more relevant context to the subject. So i made the boxes out of a pill packet and started filling them with little characters. At some point i stopped and thought this isn't up to scratch and at this point i'm just continuing so that i can finish it. Which is not demanding the best from my work so i started again.
 This one i stopped even sooner. And i realised the problem, it was really simple. The little character are sitting inside the pill spaces but mine are protruding out. Pill cases open from the back so it would be going inward rather than outward.
 Not taking any chances this time i decided to draw the hole for the tablet in full and then repeat it so that they are all even.
I drew the characters separately so that i could get the best characters and put them i rather than ruining the back ground by screwing up a character.
I just kind of played around with images to get the characters. They are not heavily representative of mental heath in particular but i think the jumble and mix of it gets the sense of uncertainty across.

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