Tuesday 10 May 2016

Post meeting

Ok so i've just got back. it was not a meal…that was a miscommunication from Becky, but i'm glad because I don't think i could have been business for the whole meal. I kind of stop his thunder becausee he was going to talk about the pagination, the layout and the font, and i beat him to it. But i think that just shows i am a very efficient illustrator to work with. The book is going to be printed in colour and they have chosen the two tone highlight colour option, i may have pushed this, but i honestly think it works the best. He also wants to have a set of the prints to sell separately, so i think i am going to get four to six of them looking more wow on a page on their own.
On the layout all that was said is that hue would like there to be a moving flow, so he doesn't want words and poem on every page the same. He would like a mix of work on one page writing on other and then writing on illustration on others. Just so it breaks it up and its not all the same and stagnant.

Becky chose the bookman font as her favourite rather than the rockwell, but i feel this was a decision that was more important for her intentions rather than mine. It still has a bit of a type writer feel and it works with my images so i am happy.

For font placement were going to have them centred because the ones that will be on a page alone will need to be centred to balance the page. And i want a sense of uni9form across them so they will all follow suite.

There is one new poem called Carte Blanche that i will have to do. This is a last minute addition but this poem helped her to name the whole book so it has to be included. The title is now 'Instability and War Wounds'.
For the cover the publisher is really keen on the 'adventure' illustration friday i did and keeps referring back to it, but i won't allow it to be the cover because it is for children's illustration and i don't agree with repurposing my work. But he explained the things he liked about it so that i have something to work on. He liked the idea of the  levels, with the underground and everything, also the little animal nests because they seem to represent home and family. Also he liked the sense of adventure and that it was a journey, which is a high running theme in the book, as it is a journey through her understanding of her own being.

So things to do to resolve this brief:

Make the new cover
Illustrate last poem
Colour all in blue two tone
Replay with the order and spacing
Make boards

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