Wednesday 11 May 2016

Coming to an end

So i am 'finishing' this project ready for the submission. The project itself is ongoing and won't be completed by the deadline. I just have to illustrate the new poem for her and redo the cover and then its just some format fiddling and i'm done. But this is not a brief that has priority right now. The author and publisher are happy for this project to resolve post deadline, therefore i need to prioritise and put the rest of my time into my main project instead.

I think i have learned almost everything i am going to learn from this project. It has been interesting working with a client. I've found that it takes a lot of time to work with clients as there is a lot of back and forth. Also they don't know about what makes good illustration. Like when i was going through the second run of poems with her and having her do some on hand concept making. I thought it would make it easier as she is there telling me the parts of the poem she feels are most important and explaining any concepts she had in mind already. But authors want to illustrate practically every line of their work. As an illustrator i know that won't work. I don't think i did amazingly at standing my ground as the visual director. I need to be more to the point, i still ended up reducing the concepts myself but I think i could have explained why it didn't work, since i am in the point of know.

Talking with the publisher seemed to go swimmingly because i kept doing his jobs before he did. Although i don't think i was fully comfortable talking to him. It was quite scary, this is just proof that i need to build up my business confidence.

Over all i think this brief has gone quite well, i am happy with the finished illustrations and i like how having an author took pressure off the content and just left me to my devices. I think at meetings i came prepared  with lots of stuff but i could do with having a folder and a notepad that has lines so that when i make my notes it looks professional.

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