Saturday 20 February 2016

A Kindness

For this one i was just concentrating on the second line of the poem 'Congratulations' I tried to make it look like a bit of a party scene. But since she wanted the character to be a running thing throughout the poems i thried to make the glass his face as well. I don't like how it turned out, the shape is awkward and the bubbles could have been more thought out perhaps to create and ear shape. I like the colour pencils as the party popper mess stuff because it gets the right texture, although it doesn't fit in well with the style of the image which is much more hard edged so I'm hoping this isn't one she picks to develop.

For the next one my idea was based on the part that says 'you sat down and emptied your head' I went in the direction of meditation as it is used to clear the mind and can be a technique recommended to people with anxiety based depressions. I traced the basic outline from a buddhist monk. There were lots of stock photos of people meditating but they all seemed to be doing the cliched thumb and finger making an 'O' resting not heir laps and loudly humming. I went with the monk because it seemed the most restful and spiritual position and i wanted the position to be accurate. 

I make the heads of my characters much bigger because i like to have stupidly large appendages like the big flapping ears. I tried to get the sense of serene calmness on his face. The fumes coming out the top are to represent the negative emotions and the release of them.

For this one I concentrate don the idea of renewal. I have the new happy character climbing from the shell of the old sad one, like a snake shedding it's skin. I traced for the lying down character because i struggled with the perspective but i still had to redraw the hands myself as the image had them twisted at an odd angle and in drawing it just looked like a mistake of perspective.

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