Wednesday 3 February 2016


In conclusion a week was too short a time for me to create 7 successful images but I did manage to get 5 successful ones done.
The strengths in this project were my colour work as i employed my new method of colouring where I see the possible adjustments to each colour after I have coloured so that I can find the best fit. I liked the  work where there was play in contrasting colours to represent something see though. I think it made the final images more eye catching.
The weaknesses were composition planning as I didn't fully consider many of them as I was more focused on the concept. Another weakness was time planning, I feel if I had more effectively time planned I would have managed to achieve 7 successful sleeves. But i had other projects so my time was not fully devoted to this project. I think this means there is an issue to deal with in prioritising work. As i've made lots of clay work in my spare time this past week, that was time i could have used to improve my composition plans. I think i also need to address my reluctance to redraw images. As in redrawing I can improve things that I thought were already complete, like in my cop project when I redrew my Brenda Ann Spencer pin up and realised that the original was pathetic in comparison.

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