Wednesday 24 February 2016


The strengths in this project was running with a comic idea, i like using ideas that i've just wrote to myself at some point. It also shows me that writing down any and every idea i have for a comic gives me a good idea catalogue to look through when it comes to a brief that is as open as this one is.
I'm proud of the fact that i redrew in this brief, admittedly I'm a lazy illustrator and often i will settle for my first drawing but i worked to demand the best in this brief and i like how that helped me to produce a quality comic that i can feel pleased with.

I think one weakness was that I was doing other projects at the same time as this one and i didn't prioritise this one which i should of seen as it had the sooner deadline. But i settled with just doing one comic instead of pushing myself to do two. So i think that this wasn't a great example of working under pressure as i had four days and i just did a four page comic. I think next time i could push myself more. But I'm still pleased with the final product.

This could possibly be the base of a book of mini comics like this where i could just do all my silly ideas that i send to myself.

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