Wednesday 3 February 2016


This image started as a quick sketch. I wanted to play around with my character work because i normally stick rigidly to one process for creating characters; where i draw out a rough head shape and anatomy first so that it i accurate. This time i just let myself be a  bit more expressive. So the head is like one being square balanced on a skinny neck. It reminds me of various gramps characters from children's cartoons. 

The colours for the final image are not what i actually chose at first. These were just what i found when at the end of colouring i decided to merge all the layers and play with the hue/saturation tool to see what the other options of colour pallets were. I liked tho sone better than my own as i had chosen a sallow sickly green colour for the skin because i'm addicted to using green in my pallets. The colours on this one are much more complimentary than the ones i chose initially. 

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