Saturday 20 February 2016

Context: Monster Poems

This is another personal favourite. I was really happy to find it in a charity shop the other day because there are no decent pictures of any of the pages online and i kept trying to reference this book in past projects. This is a poetry book so it doesn't really work the same as the kind of children's book i'm writing but i think there is still stuff i can tke to this to put into my on practice.

This contents page is great, its so bold and it links with the content. Also the writers are falling down it's throat which always entertained me as a child (on the previous page they are shown precariously balanced in it's mouth). It seems in a children's book it is best to make the most of every page, every page must be interesting. I think this is because if a child flicks through a book they are not necessarily going to do it in a regular way. You don't want them to flick to a boring page and put the book down immediately so by making every page exciting they eliminate this problem.

On the inside spreads the words normally take advantage of space left by the image or work with the flow of the image. I like this idea because i don't want all my writing to rigidly appear in the same place on every page i want it to flow through the story.

I just included this bit because as a child this one scared me silly. I'm not sure why because his story isn't about hurting anyone it was about being lonely. I think it may be because it was talking about being broken hearted and being so sad ou didn't want to live, which as a child was something that i could neither rellate to or understand. So i think i'll avoid anything going too deep into dark emotion, although  dont think that was going to come up anyway.

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