Saturday 20 February 2016

Deadline Driven Brief Numero Dos

Brief: To submit a comic to Off Life

Product: A comic between 1 and 4 pages

Tone of voice: Humorous

Audience: Off life followers, Adults, Art community

Context: To be published in off life 13

Mandatory requirements: One comic made between 1 and 4 pages, fit within 160mm wide x 220mm tall.

Deliverables: comic

I totally forgot about off life, i entered a comic into it last year but was unsuccessful. I think that was because of the quality of my work, the idea itself was relatively funny and i enjoyed it but looking back the actual aesthetic of the finished piece is awful. So I'm going to attempt again this year. I want to try and get one chosen this year so i can be published in off life 13. the official deadline is the 1st of March but I'm going to give myself until Wednesday, which gives me 4 days for this brief. I want to get one successful one completed but if i finnish earlier I should attempt to get a second one done within the time limit i have set. I think it's quite likely i'll mange two though because the length of the comic isn't particularly taxing and i think i've already got an idea for one of them.

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