Saturday 20 February 2016

Verses So Far

In a land of trees and grass
Beside a big blue lake
The ground is full of tit and tat
Ad all the mess we make

There's bottle, paper, cigarettes
There's food wrappers and cans
How will all the animals cope
In the destruction left by man?

Sprig is head of his family
He plans all their hideouts
Creating home and shelter
For Soil, Root and the Sprouts

But every home is short-lived
Because it is destroyed
Through the careless actions
Of thoughtless girls and boys

Then one day Sprig saw it!
The spark to his idea
They could live upon the water
And float away from fear

At this point i'm looking at putting minimum two verses per page maybe sometimes more. Because this book is aimed at the 7-11 age category (I'm not sure if that's changed from before but that's what i've decided upon now) i want there to be a substantial amount of reading in it. I've been trying to have a mix of smaller words and larger ones because i don't want to patronise my audience. And even if there is a couple words in there that they would struggle with i think that would be good because it challenges them and encourages them to find the meaning and add it to their growing vocabulary.

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