Wednesday 3 February 2016

The bad ones

The last two sleeves I did were done with minimal sketching and little thought into colour as it was a battle against the clock. I was trying to get finished by 5, having a working day in mind. I was late with the last one by about 5 minutes. My deadline was til midnight though so it didn't effect my actual deadline, I just wanted to finish earlier so i could move onto a different project.
I do not consider these sleeves successful.
This one is the lesser of two evils. I dislike this one because it was such low effort as i only drew two tablets and the writing very small in my sketchpad. I arranged and copied digitally to make my work quicker. The writing, i should have wrote to scale but instead I just stretched it out to fill the space and I think the lesser line quality is painfully obvious. I think the concept and the colours were ok in this one but i think more effort could have been made to the composition and possible adding some patter to the sides to frame it more.

This one i just hate. It looks like it was drawn and coloured in microsoft paint. I like the original pencil sketch but since i was rushing my line work suffered. There is not an even gap going around the edge of the liquid to make the bottles look more realistic. I also don't like the colours and feel I should have played with the placement of white and shine more to convey the see through of the bottles and add depth to their shape. 

So it seems the limit of successful 7" sleeves in 7 days is 5 for me. 

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