Saturday 20 February 2016

Context: The Little Raindrop

The front of the book is very bright and eye catching. I think this is because they are trying to catch the eye of a child at this stage of selling it. They want the child to pick out the book and show the parents. Mine is for an older audience so i don't think it needs to be as simple as this but I like the idea of making the front cover undeniably bright and eye catching. 

Inside a lot of the pages use the double spread and have one piece of writing per spread. I think i will do some double spreads because with my page size already being really long and thin a double spread will look really interesting. And it will be a useful format to show a journey or to just display all the characters at once. 

The blurb on the back is clearly aimed for parents to read. I think this is because this book is or a younger age rang and will not necessarily know the words in the blurb to read. At young ages the parent chooses the books for the child so it makes sense to aim the blurb at them. My audience is older and it would be patronising to aim the blurb at their parents. But i think I'll keep in mind that it is for the parents too. So i will aim it so it is directly talking to the child who is to read it. But include information about the educational learning n morals within it. 

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