Saturday 20 February 2016


I did tracing for this one. The image i traced was two policemen dragging a homeless man. I was originally trying to find an image of someone puling someone else up off the ground because i was going to use it in an image to represent the separation of body and mind. The mind would have been desperately trying to pull up the body. But when i found this other image i had a better idea. I made the two policemen into pill people and had my character being dragged to show the relationship between the anti-depressants and the depress-ee.

I did relatively simple outlines as these images are just to show the concept ideas. Which i then send over to the author and she responds telling me which she liked and what she wants changing and then I will develop the image in to a finalised state and we'll have another review to make sure the image is up to the standard tat she wants. 

For this image i was concentrating on th last couple of lines of the poem; 'Sometimes the bitch is still on my back (,) trying to claw round my neck.'
I just concentrated on the display of war wounds, the idea that there would be physical damage is interesting as normally it is a completely invisible illness. I like the gashes better than the bandage parts because they have a more interesting texture and look more fitting within the characters i draw. 

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