Wednesday 3 February 2016

Counting Sheep

I really liked the line drawing of this image, It was one i planned out really simply in my thumb nailing stages. I was going to have my blank character as the person but with just a section of the face, the blankness of the character was really strange and there wasn't a lot of detail I could include, and i love to have detail. I ended up adding in the thick black shadows after my initial line work because there was so much thin lines everywhere and the textures covered it all and it seemed hard to decipher between the different sections. I have been playing with have larger sections of black in my work to highlight the detailed elements. The black shadows helped to frame elements in the image and I think it helped with the mood I was trying to convey. (heartbroken/ lost/ sad/etc)

I did pretty basic colour at first, their all relatively realistic, except his hair. I made it blue because the brown seemed to clash with the blue on the mattress and as far as i've learnt in colour, if something isn't working in any colour then I'm to just use a different shade of a colour already present. I made the colours simple and flat because the most fun part with colour that I wanted to try was to have a slat of light coming in through the window. I think it completes the image, a man in the early hours of the morning missing his other half as he lays alone in bed.

This is the final image I uploaded, it took a lot of play with the light to get it to a point where i was happy. I'm still not entirely sure about this image though. I think I actually liked it better as a black and white drawing. It looked like a panel from a comic, which has taught me next time I make a sequential I should go all out on each panel like this because it looks more professional and successful. 
I spent a long time just deciding how I wanted the light to enter the image and playing around with different brush tool s to adjust the harshness of the light; the shape it made as it flowed in. Eventually i settled on a hard edge because it highlighted better that there was a difference in colour between the light and dark parts of the image and I like a bit of contrast in my images,  think it makes them more eye catching.

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