Wednesday 3 February 2016

Jigsaw pieces

So the whole cleverness to draw only a quarter of my pattern turned to terrible. I should have used a compass or protractor to make sure it would actually work. Once i put it into photoshop I saw that it actually made a thin oval when put together. So I had to paste pieces into the gaps I'd left and they didn't match up well so there was a lot of small adjustments and erasing things to make them line up. But eventually I got there and made a mildly square looking circle. For this sleeve I wanted to really try with the colours because I really like this drawing and my colouring normally makes them look worse, but not this time!

I played around with the colour a lot during working on this image. I can't really understand what the colour will look like next to the others until it is literally in front of me. So I was using a new colour process where I pick the first colour I think will look good and colour the whole thing in on it's own layer and then use the hue/saturation tool to play with the different options of colour and pick the best from that selection. Its really been pushing my colour quality and the good colours draw peoples eye first as I tend to have a lot of detail so the image isn't immediately in your face. But i want the colour to be a very strong part of the image. I think this is my favourite sleeve so far, and it is the one I have put most work into but my time was running out at this pint and I only had a day left of my self set deadline. I had wanted to get 7 sleeves done in the time and at this point I decided to just go for it and then I can judge the quality as I become more rushed

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