Saturday 20 February 2016

Drawing Fun

I've just been having fun playing with characters and drawing them outing different situations. I like playing with the way they would interact. The more i draw them the easier it is becoming to remember their scale and shape and the size of them in comparison with each other as well as the objects around them.

These two double spreads did very well on social media when i posted them. I think the length of the image is good because i tgives more room for the characters to run around in. Also the backgrounds are relatively complicated in these images but they get the scene across that they are surrounded by grass and nature. I included pieces of abandoned rubbish in some of these images so that the recycling theme is continued through all my work and it makes people more aware of the effect of their littering. 

I've been trying to vary the facial expressions so that the characters seem more life like and interacting rather than just mirroring the same face of stiff happiness across them all.

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