Wednesday 3 February 2016


For obit I was originally going to go with a child with a hula hoop, to try and play on the word without choosing the obvious subject of planets. But as i drew it out it seemed like a really dull image and i was quickly loosing interest. So if I'm loosing interest drawing it, it is unlikely to be a successful image when presented to the public.
So i ended up combining the planets and my original concept.

I coloured in some of my line work on this image. I was just doing the texture because i think it will make more sense of the lines if they are complimentary to their back ground. I really like the writing on the title in this one, it was just a moment where my writing was working out and it looks bold and expressive which is what i want as i think it matches the imagery. I went back t my uniform layout with the title and my illustration name. 

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