Wednesday 3 February 2016

Let them eat cake

This is another image where I used the original drawing, I think the short deadline meant that if something seemed up to standard the most efficient use of time was to just run with it and trust my instinct. The only issue I had with the original sketch of this is that the perspective was skewed as I drew the cake slices without reference and was unsure of how the lines would lye in that line of sight. But it was daily fixed digitally as I just cut the line out and skewed it to fit the correct perspective, acceptable I think it is still slightly of kilter but it is less noticeable and works as an aspect of charm i think. I chose pale, almost pastel colours because I feel it matches the light high pitch tones of the song, I used the blue because of the name of the song, I felt it was an appropriate subtle hint at the song out represented. I added crumbs around it because with just the cake and forks they looked like they were just floating and that composition hadn't been considered. Now the white acts as a surface that the cake is sat on, and the shadows reinforce that perspective.

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