Saturday 20 February 2016

Context: Six Dinner Sid

This is a personal favourite from child hood. It is aimed at younger children but i think th quality of the book makes it enjoyable at all ages. As a child I found this book very funny even though there aren't particular jokes or anything. Children tend to find situation very funny as jokes tend to become wordy and some won't understand. But an awkward or silly situation tends to create the same humour in a child as a well thought out pun in an adult.
So with that in mind I might add some silly moments like getting things stuck on each other. I'm having them meet snails in the book so maybe to of them can get suck together with slime. and some general slapstick style comedy would work i think.
Again a bog image as the front cover is popular.

This book uses a mixture of full page spreads and panelling. I think because this is for an older audience than the bear hunt an the little raindrop, it's still young but there is more sophistication in the way the story is told in this.

The facial expressions vary a lot in the images to make every part of the image interesting to look at. The images work hard to engage the child in the story. I will try and have more breadth of facial expressions to make my characters more aesthetically distinguished and interesting.

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