Wednesday 3 February 2016

Bad puns

I was reaching a whole new level of rushing, I'd set the personal goal of doing 7 sleeves and I was so close that I was just going for it despite my time constraints. For this song there is a line that is repeated that is 'say what you want' so obviously i had to draw someone saying 'what you want'. I drew myself because I was aiming for speed and I know I can draw myself quickly and successfully.

I tried drawing it straight digitally at first to save time, but i seemed to have forgotten my severely diminished skills when drawing digitally. I didn't really like the end product as it looked awkward and held no charm. 

I hand drew one and scanned it in, but I did the text digitally as it was just my hand writing but a bit more flamboyant than usual. I used a bright and 'poppy' colour scheme, I chose colours that reminded me of sweets wrappers. 
I quite like the finished product of this one even though it was rushed, but I do think this is mainly down to a successful colour scheme. 

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