Saturday 20 February 2016

I lost my spark once

In this poem there was a part about the shadow of the depression but the poem ends with the overcoming of the emotions and feeling able to breath again and speak again. I concentrated on the speech and the shadows. So i have illustrated the moments the words come back and the shadows are expelled. I made little hands coming out of the shadows to give it a more sinister nature rather than just being a regular shadow.

I'm not massively keen on this image, there was a part of the poem about looking in to see her smiling back at you. I took it to mean looking within yourself and so drew my character looking at itself through a mirror with one unhappy and the other happy. But it seems rather cliche and not an very intelligent design. I sent it with the others though to show the breadth of ideas but i feel relatively confident that she won't pick this one.

For this one i was concentrating on the writers block aspect of the poem and integrated the separation of mind and body. I wanted a floating head at first but i couldn't get the angle right. I had the mouth taped up to represent the lack of words. I ended up including a neck and shoulders underneath so it defined the angle of the head and i added a quill in to represent the writing aspect and i had the ink flowing out in swirls around the head because it loosely frames the head and creates a  more balanced and centred looking image. This is my favourite of the illustrations for this poem and i think it is mainly because of the swirls of ink, i like it lookingso balanced and centred while having parts that go off the page (the rest of the body). I just  think this is the most aesthetically pleasing image from the three and i hope this is the one she chooses to develop.

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