Saturday 20 February 2016


I send myself texts of comic ideas i have over time. Most of them are terrible but some are worth giving a go. This is one of the ones i'm going to give a go.

What if there was a man whose job it was to name everything. Like absolutely everything, from new babies to inventions and newly discovered species/ fossils. Thats just his job. But then one day his wife leaves him or cheats on him or something horrible. and then for weeks would he passive aggressively name things?
Like Karensabitchamabob or whydidwehavetopartasaurus

Its a bit of silly humour which is my strong point in the humour world as i don't have a particularly strong sense of wit. I'm quite excited to start drawing this out. I'm going to use the weekend to get the line drawing done because i can't colour til i get to college on monday and can take out a graphics tablet. So if i finish drawing out the first one before monday i am to just go for it and draw a second one.

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